Multifunctional flaxseed fibre providing stability and creaminess. Suitable for additive replacement in beverage applications, it can replace hydrocolloids (e.g. Xanthan Gum, Guar, chemically modified starches) as thickeners and as suspending agents. Also, it can be extremely helpful to stabilize foams, easy soluble/dispersible in water.
Semi-solid ingredient, thickening agent improving the mouthfeel and texture of the product. Meltec® looks like a syrup but is based only on ingredients of natural origin vegetable fibres from legumes and cereals. Not sweet, it can replace syrups and sugars in their technological functionalities: binding, providing pleasant texture and stability to thermal changes, without affecting color in the finished products. Replacing sugars (30%, 50% or completely) with Meltec® does not have side effects on freezing point. With a consumer friendly labelling: vegetable fibers (legumes and cereals), it increases the fibre content of the finished product.
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